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May 22

Outdoor first aid knowledge


It is in the outdoor encounter accident, should be calm and bold, careful and responsible, prioritize, decisive implementation of first aid methods;The critical patients were treated first, then the mild patients. In the same patients, the lives were treated first, and the parts were treated later.Observe the scene to ensure the safety of yourself and the injured;Make full use of disposable manpower and material resources to assist first aid.

rw18-1.pngFirstly, observation before treatment.

    Before doing specific treatment, the patient's whole body should be observed and the surrounding conditions should be understood.Determine the cause of the injury, the location and extent of the pain, or bring your ear closer to the sound of your breathing.In particular, pay attention to the color of the face, mouth, skin or  confirm the presence of trauma, bleeding, consciousness and breathing conditions, carefully observe the fracture, trauma, vomiting.

    Subsequently, more should choose specific processing method.In particular, the respiratory arrest, coma, massive bleeding, poison, regardless of unconscious, the discoverer should quickly make emergency treatment, otherwise it will endanger the patient's life.In the observation of changes in symptoms, in case of worsening symptoms should be treated according to the emergency treatment method.The scene should as far as possible organize the rescue work of the injured and sick, the rescue personnel should divide the work, also should have cooperation.


Second, observation and post-treatment.

     There are many kinds of injuries or sudden diseases that occur during the activity, so it is necessary to apply all kinds of appropriate first aid methods to deal with them.

     Keep the airway clear during emergency treatment, move the body in the most comfortable way for the patient.If the patient is unconscious, attention should be paid to ensure that the respiratory tract is unblocked, to guard against the death of suffocation caused by vomit.To ensure smooth breathing, have the patient lie on his or her back.If have bump to the head also want horizontal lie down, if the complexion is green need to raise a foot, and the complexion is red person need to raise a head, have vomiting feeling person, need to let its side lie or prone advisable.


Three, after processing.

    Before handing the patient over to a physician after emergency treatment, the patient should be kept warm to prevent him from wasting energy and worsening his symptoms.Then contact the physician, the ambulance, and the patient's family.In principle, patients should be transported quietly after full treatment.The method of handling depends on the patient's condition and the surrounding conditions.In the handling, the patient is very tired, to moderate and regular rest, and always pay attention to the patient's condition.
