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Apr 17

Personal protection knowledge-Hand washing


1. How to protect yourself from the pneumonia infection of the new coronavirus?

(1) Wash hands frequently. Use soap or hand soap and wash your hands with running water. Wipe your hands with disposable paper towels or clean towels. Wash hands immediately after touching hands with respiratory secretions (such as sneezing).

(2) Maintain good respiratory hygiene habits. When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or towel. Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands.

(3) Enhance physical immunity. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and work regularly to avoid excessive fatigue.

(4) Keep the environment clean and ventilated. Open the window several times a day for no less than 3 times, 20-30 minutes each time. When the outdoor air quality is poor, the frequency and time of ventilation should be appropriately reduced.

(5) Minimize activities in crowded places and avoid contact with patients with respiratory infections.

(6) If symptoms of respiratory tract infections such as cough, runny nose, fever, etc., you should rest in isolation at home, seek medical treatment as soon as the fever persists or the symptoms worsen.

2. The role of hand washing in preventing respiratory tract diseases?

Proper hand washing is one of the most effective measures to prevent diarrhea and respiratory infections. Authoritative organizations such as the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO and the US CDC recommend that soap and water (running water) be used to wash hands thoroughly.

3. Correctly washing your hands requires mastering six steps of washing methods:

The first step is to rub the palms of your hands with each other.

In the second step, wash your finger joints with your hands crossed.

The fourth step is to rub your palms with your fingertips, the left and right hands are the same.

Step 5: Hold the thumb of the other hand and scrub, and rub the left and right hands the same for five times

Step 6: Bend your fingers so that the joint rotates and kneads in the palm of your other hand.

4. When do you need to wash your hands?

(1) Before and after transferring files

(2) After coughing or sneezing

(3) Before, during and after preparing food

(4) Before eating

(5) After going to the toilet

(6) When the hands are dirty

(7) After contacting others

(8) After contact with animals

(9) After returning home

5. What should I do if there is no clean water when traveling, and it is not convenient to wash my hands?

You can use alcohol-based disinfection products to clean your hands. The new coronavirus is not resistant to acid or alkali, and is sensitive to organic solvents and disinfectants. 75% alcohol can inactivate viruses, so a certain amount of alcohol-containing disinfection products can be used as an alternative to soap and running hands.
